If you have never dealt with abuse before then this particular post is not for you, but as the month of October is Domestic Violence Awareness month we have to bring forth what women could be silently battling. Abuse is the mistreatment of another person whether it be physical, emotional, verbal, sexual, and mental. Most abusers are normally men, but lets' not stigmatize, because women have been the abusers as well. But what makes you hide the fact that you could be going through abuse? For me personally it was wearing makeup, excessive shopping, & jewelry. On the days I would get abused for some reason I wore dramatic jewelry. Jewelry was my way of telling myself that I was still beautiful. What I did not understand was that beauty was always in me and the abuse that was being inflicted upon me did not define who I was or destined to become. What makes you feel better during your abuse or trauma? We must remember that abuse should not be hidden, but dealt with in a positive manner. You must leave for your well-being and heal. From experience, your grief will not last long and there is light at the end of the tunnel. One month of abuse may require yearsss of therapy because of the psychological damage that it may cause a person. Seek help and allow God to heal you in ways you would never be able to imagine! Your healing is coming, your breakthrough is coming, no more masking the pain with jewelry, food, sleep, shopping, drugs, etc. your healing starts with you.